Abraham Lincoln was the first President to set aside a "day of thanks" on the fourth Thursday of November; a practice which every President thereafter adopted until Franklin Roosevelt ratified it in 1939. It only took Congress two years to embrace FDR's suggestion and enact Thanksgiving Day into law ... thereby proving that times never change!
Perhaps more than ever, given the tumultuous nature of our world, I encourage you to reflect upon the good fortune with which your life has been blessed. While the media seems to have a preoccupation with negative occurrences, each of us need not look far to find something positive in our lives: good health ... family ... friends ... a daily occurrence that makes us smile or renews our faith that there is good in mankind. We enjoy these treasures each and every day.
I hope this message finds you well, and I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
2008 (c) Dr. T.J. O'Hara